bisq-network / youtube

The @bisq-network YouTube channel
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Produce a "How to buy Monero with Bitcoin on Bisq" video #19

Open flix1 opened 5 years ago

flix1 commented 5 years ago

Produce a "How to" video explaining all the steps to buy Monero XMR with Bitcoin BTC using Bisq.

This video should follow the model of the "How to buy bitcoin with Euros using Bisq". Maximum duration 5 minutes. Screencapture with voiceover.

Discussion is ongoing in the #youtube Slack channel now, and specific requirements, proposals and plans can be posted here to this issue.

Bounty: 400 $BSQ

LegendrePolynomials commented 5 years ago

I would be interested in working on this. I have actually thought about making this kind of video for a while.

ManfredKarrer commented 5 years ago

@LegendrePolynomials Great!

flix1 commented 5 years ago

@LegendrePolynomials Excellent!

Please make sure to check out the other tutorial videos so that we can keep to a similar format. Eg: How to buy bitcoin with Euros using Bisq

IntoCryptocom commented 5 years ago


I would be interested if the offer is still available. I have several years of video experience (I had two youtube channels with around 70k subscribers) and I am familiar with buying guides since I am running the project - with hundreds of guides.


cbeams commented 5 years ago

@IntoCryptocom wrote:

I have several years of video experience (I had two youtube channels with around 70k subscribers)

Could you provide links to a couple videos you've done? Ideally where you're screen sharing and doing voiceover to explain something. Have you seen our existing videos along these lines, e.g. How to buy bitcoin with Euros using Bisq? The quality there is pretty good, but we'd love to do even better.

Your buycrypto site looks great, by the way.

vanpan1 commented 5 years ago

Sure - the English channel was the following: . The content is quite old since I sold my magazine (German and English) and Youtube channels to a big German publishing company in 2015. I don't have any screen sharing videos on the channel, but I did a few company internal videos like this when I was the Head of Tech & Infotainment at this publishing company afterwards.

How about I create one and when you like it, you can use it under the mentioned conditions (bounty), if you don´t like it you can give me feedback or take another video?

Thanks for your feedback. Buycrypto is just an MVP to see if our automated system works. We are going to relaunch the site in the near future under, where we want to help individuals and especially businesses get into crypto and blockchain technology with additional editorial guides, video courses and so on.


cbeams commented 5 years ago

How about I create one and when you like it, you can use it under the mentioned conditions (bounty), if you don´t like it you can give me feedback or take another video?

Sure. We'd provide feedback on whatever you contribute, and you would submit a compensation request like any other contributor.

gordonel commented 5 years ago

Is this still relevant? I can produce a video

ghost commented 5 years ago

I think it is still relevant, but would be happy to have other contributors opinion. @ripcurlx what do you think ? For my part, I would be interested in watching such a video.

m52go commented 5 years ago

@goraelec sure, that would be great, especially to also demonstrate the new instant trading feature. Have you made other videos in the past?

Our standard for video editing isn't super high, but we'd prefer something that fits the branding that we can be proud to promote.

teicheld commented 2 years ago

Cant still find no video but I cant imagine that nobody has done it for 3 years. Am I missing something or can I start making a video?