bisqwit / adlmidi

ADLMIDI is a MIDI player that uses OPL3 emulation.
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Adapt to OPL3DUO (serial control OPL3 actual hardware) #9

Open denjhang opened 2 years ago

denjhang commented 2 years ago

Currently I use SerialPassthrough.ino of OPL3DUO, compile these codes with arduino and upload them to arduino nano. After that I use dosbox-x and specify the port number (like com3) and I can use the actual opl3 hardware.

Wohlstand commented 2 years ago

This project isn't so active and it got into a very long hiatus (It doesn't have any significant updates after 2014, except for small bug fixes, the tool's UI tweaks, etc). I may suggest the libADLMIDI, the majorly reworked version of adlmidi turned into the library.