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A1 Vlog - and The Rising of Latinomérica #133

Open alexilandaeta opened 3 years ago

alexilandaeta commented 3 years ago

The Disruption

The idea of the world as we know it, has changed forever. Evolution is rising in several ways and citizens aim to find different ways of communication, thanks to the different tools available at this early stage of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Inteligence (AI), Internet Of Things (IOT) and Blockchain over the web3 is a hub metaverse for y where converge many of these new technologies, giving absolute control about creation and content for the users, who can interact in the platform that will exist in a continuous path, in a digital world, now possible thanks to this amazing technologies available.


The Countries in ways of development but especially Latinoamérica, have been suffering for years, the scars of terrible leaderships and pseudo leaders, who take control of everything that happens through centralization and abuse of power, Kakistocracy (system of government that is run by the worst, least qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens) is the ruler, being the less portioned societies and individuals, the most affected in this analogic disaster. The Digital interaction used in the metaverse, is an incredible way of communication with no barriers, and where anyone can be a part of, giving us millions of opportunities where inclusion and disruption, will be partners forever.


The raw material for these new technologies, and for sure, there is a lot of potential coming for the absence of Infratech and adequate development of these regions, and necessity is the mother of every transition. Like Hector Lavoe said “everything has its end, nothing lasts forever”

There is no doubt about what will be the future of these new emerging economies, that will rise from the ashes, as an interstellar Kusama canary, is just matter of time and education, the key for the flourishment of the New World, that will become, in The Rising of Latinoamérica.

Alexi Landaeta Escuela Blockchain CEO Video: Choroní, Venezuela

MiaLuAKL commented 3 years ago

choroni.amanecer.mp4 The Disruption

The idea of the world as we know it, has changed forever. Evolution is rising in several ways and citizens aim to find different ways of communication, thanks to the different tools available at this early stage of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Inteligence (AI), Internet Of Things (IOT) and Blockchain over the web3 is a hub metaverse for y where converge many of these new technologies, giving absolute control about creation and content for the users, who can interact in the platform that will exist in a continuous path, in a digital world, now possible thanks to this amazing technologies available.


The Countries in ways of development but especially Latinoamérica, have been suffering for years, the scars of terrible leaderships and pseudo leaders, who take control of everything that happens through centralization and abuse of power, Kakistocracy (system of government that is run by the worst, least qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens) is the ruler, being the less portioned societies and individuals, the most affected in this analogic disaster. The Digital interaction used in the metaverse, is an incredible way of communication with no barriers, and where anyone can be a part of, giving us millions of opportunities where inclusion and disruption, will be partners forever.


The raw material for these new technologies, and for sure, there is a lot of potential coming for the absence of Infratech and adequate development of these regions, and necessity is the mother of every transition. Like Hector Lavoe said “everything has its end, nothing lasts forever”

There is no doubt about what will be the future of these new emerging economies, that will rise from the ashes, as an interstellar Kusama canary, is just matter of time and education, the key for the flourishment of the New World, that will become, in The Rising of Latinoamérica.

Alexi Landaeta Escuela Blockchain CEO Video: Choroní, Venezuela

We have to say this is one of the insightful and powerful articles about B.C we have read. We can see the great insights on this blog with a thoughtful topic written in your own words! It would be 100% perfect if you can release it to the public then left the link in the comment.