bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Backup silently fails if encryption key is not cached #1724

Open gunqqer opened 1 month ago

gunqqer commented 1 month ago

When using cached encryption password for cron, if you reboot (or otherwise do something that clears the password cache) then miss the popup for the next scheduled backup, after that backintime will just silently fail to backup.

Expected behavior is that backintime should keep asking for a password every single time a scheduled backup runs instead of just the first.

Otherwise you might go without your backups every 6 hours because you expected them to just run or tell you that they're not, which for a backup software is kinda well, very very bad.

I am running on KDE Neon, backintime 1.4.1-1

buhtz commented 1 month ago

Hello gunqqer,

Thank you for taking the time to report the issue and providing the details. We appreciate your feedback.

The problem sounds familiar but we need to investigate further. It may take some time. Myself I don't use encrypted profiles and don't understand all details of your problem and need to setup a VM doing some tests. But I am in the middle of reinstalling my whole system. My team mates or also offline for some days.

Do you use a local or SSH encrypted profile?

If you have any more details to share, feel free to reach out.

Best regards, Christian

gunqqer commented 1 month ago

This is a local encrypted backup with a password cached for cron, and I have them auto run every 6 (it says minutes lol) hours. First time it runs after a restart it'll pop up the box asking for the encryption password but if I miss this, it goes away after some time and doesn't ask again. If you want anything more specific I'll provide whatever is needed

buhtz commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback. This is enough info for me to test and reproduce. It will take a while. Please don't hesitate to ask again and warm up the issue if you don't get a reaction from us in a few weeks.

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