bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
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feat: Update translations (2024-05-20) #1725

Closed buhtz closed 1 month ago

buhtz commented 1 month ago

Now, after cleaned up most of our PR pipeline it is time for a translation update.

Myself I don't have any open notes regarding source string modifications. So I assume we won't break to much translations in the future anymore.

After our last update (#1623) the completeness increased from 70% to 81% with 20 (+7) (nearly) complete languages. But because of modified source strings the completeness is decreasing with this current PR.

            Total completeness: 69% (-1)
            Number of languages (excl. English): 44 (+/-0)
            100-99% complete: 0 languages (-13)
            90-98% complete: 0 languages (-5)
            50-89% complete: 37 languages (+21)
            less than 50% complete: 7 languages (-3)

Will merge this immediately to unblock the translation platform as soon as possible.