bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.9k stars 175 forks source link

Back in Time 1.3.3 (on a Raspberry PI running Bookworm) fails to recognize host key it added to known_hosts #1726

Open ArjenR49 opened 1 month ago

ArjenR49 commented 1 month ago

After restoring settings from a remote profile, Back in Time 1.3.3 (on a Raspberry PI4 running Bookworm) complained of failing authentication (ECDSA) and asked to add the key to known_hosts. The key could be seen to have been added, but Back In Time didn't recognize it and kept asking to be allowed to add the key.

By accident I manually added the key using ssh-keygen without -H, so the address at the start wasn't hashed.

Surprise: Back in Time settings were happy.

(I removed the numerous keys for the host computer added by back in time before the manual addition.)

Before installing Bookworm on this machine, it had ran BackInTime just fine, but that must have been a different version. My other PI's run BackInTime 1.2.1 and 1.1.24 and I can't remember having the key recognition problem with those. They run an older OS, like Buster or Bullseye. My desktop NUC also runs 1.3.3, but that is on LMDE 6. It also doesn't have this problem.

To help us diagnose the problem quickly, please provide the output of the console command backintime --diagnostics.

pi@RPI-HUB:~ $ backintime --diagnostics
    "backintime": {
        "name": "Back In Time",
        "version": "1.3.3",
        "latest-config-version": 6,
        "local-config-file": "/home/UsernameReplaced/.config/backintime/config",
        "local-config-file-found": true,
        "global-config-file": "/etc/backintime/config",
        "global-config-file-found": false,
        "started-from": "/usr/share/backintime/common",
        "running-as-root": false,
        "user-callback": "/home/UsernameReplaced/.config/backintime/user-callback",
        "keyring-supported": false
    "host-setup": {
        "platform": "Linux-6.6.28+rpt-rpi-v8-aarch64-with-glibc2.36",
        "system": "Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.28-1+rpt1 (2024-04-22)",
        "os-release": {
            "NAME": "Debian GNU/Linux",
            "ID": "debian",
            "PRETTY_NAME": "Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)",
            "VERSION_ID": "12",
            "VERSION": "12 (bookworm)",
            "VERSION_CODENAME": "bookworm",
            "HOME_URL": "",
            "SUPPORT_URL": "",
            "BUG_REPORT_URL": ""
        "display-system": "wayland",
        "locale": "nl_NL, UTF-8",
        "PATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games",
        "RSYNC_OLD_ARGS": "(not set)",
        "RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS": "(not set)"
    "python-setup": {
        "python": "3.11.2 main Mar 13 2023 12:18:29 CPython GCC 12.2.0",
        "python-executable": "/usr/bin/python3",
        "python-executable-symlink": true,
        "python-executable-resolved": "/usr/bin/python3.11",
        "sys.path": [
        "qt": "PyQt 5.15.9 / Qt 5.15.8"
    "external-programs": {
        "rsync": {
            "program": "rsync",
            "version": "3.2.7",
            "protocol": "31.0",
            "copyright": "(C) 1996-2022 by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others.",
            "url": "",
            "capabilities": {
                "file_bits": 64,
                "inum_bits": 64,
                "timestamp_bits": 64,
                "long_int_bits": 64,
                "socketpairs": true,
                "symlinks": true,
                "symtimes": true,
                "hardlinks": true,
                "hardlink_specials": true,
                "hardlink_symlinks": true,
                "IPv6": true,
                "atimes": true,
                "batchfiles": true,
                "inplace": true,
                "append": true,
                "ACLs": true,
                "xattrs": true,
                "secluded_args": "optional",
                "iconv": true,
                "prealloc": true,
                "stop_at": true,
                "crtimes": false
            "optimizations": {
                "SIMD_roll": false,
                "asm_roll": false,
                "openssl_crypto": true,
                "asm_MD5": false
            "checksum_list": [
            "compress_list": [
            "daemon_auth_list": [
            "license": "GPLv3",
            "caveat": "rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY"
        "ssh": "OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u2, OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023",
        "sshfs": "3.7.3",
        "encfs": "(no encfs)",
        "shell": "/bin/bash",
        "shell-version": "GNU bash, versie 5.2.15(1)-release (aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu)"

Additionally, please specify as precisely as you can the package or installation source where you got Back In Time from. Sometimes there are multiple alternatives, like in for Arch-based distros.

Installed from Raspberry Pi package repository using the GUI function Add/remove programs.

As an alternative fell free to use our mailing list for every topic about Back In Time. Visit the subscribtion page at or send an email with subject "Subscribe" to

buhtz commented 1 month ago

Hello Arjen,

Thank you for taking the time to report the issue and providing the details. We appreciate your feedback.

It may take some time. Myself I don't understand all details of your problem and need to setup a VM doing some tests. But I am in the middle of reinstalling my whole system. My team mates or also offline for some days.

If you have any more details to share, feel free to reach out.

Best regards, Christian