bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
GNU General Public License v2.0
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SSH backup to Hetzner Storage Box with Sub-account ("Couldn't create remote path") #1745

Open philipkbh opened 3 weeks ago

philipkbh commented 3 weeks ago

I am trying to set up a backup profile for my Hetzner Storage Box under a sub-account. The sub-account is accessible from outside the Hetzner network and SSH access is enabled. I have also installed the public SSH key on this sub-account so that I can use SSH without entering my password.

The problem I'm running into is that backintime tells me that it Couldn't create remote path.: /home. In the config tab I set Path to /home.

I think it's due to the structure of a Hetzner Storage Box sub-account, because when I SSH into that sub-account, the starting directory is the /home folder of that sub-account. When you create a sub-account for your Hetzner Storage Box you define a base directory and this base directory will be the /home folder. Outside this /home folder (under /) a subaccount has no permissions to do anything.

Running Back in Time 1.4.3 under Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS (Linux-6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35).

buhtz commented 3 weeks ago

Reminds me of #1674. Maybe this is a similar problem?

EDIT: Sorry, I realized that the linked issue is written in German. The issue was about a Synology NAS device. To my understanding the difference was between using ssh and sshfs. Both are used by BIT with the assumption that they "start" in the same folder after logging in. But on a Synology NAS it seems to be different. I never used sshfs directly on shell. But maybe you are able to test this hypothesis somehow trying ssh and sshfs on your machine? One of my other team mates is more into this topic and will catch up to you.

philipkbh commented 3 weeks ago

I tried a different approach by mounting the Storage Box sub-account via sshfs on my PC and doing a backup in Local mode to this mounted path. When I try to save this configuration, I get the following error:

Destination filesystem for /mnt/backup is an sshfs-mounted share. sshfs doesn't support hard-links. Please use mode 'SSH' instead.
buhtz commented 3 weeks ago

Hello Phillip, currently I see no way how I can help you.

We have to wait for a response from my teammate "aryoda". He is deeper into that topic.

Hetzner itself refused to provide us with a test account in the past. They also won't be helpful.

Don't hesitate to warm up the Issue if you don't get any response in some weeks.
