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translation: Update translation #1749

Closed buhtz closed 3 weeks ago

buhtz commented 3 weeks ago

Update of translations after modifying source strings in PR #1723. Modifications where not planed but occur while updating the screenshots for the translators.

After our last translation update some weeks ago (#1725 or 4af4417) translators updated their translations and drove the completeness up to 75%. But because of fresh modified sources strings, compared to the previous translation update in #1725, the completeness decreased by 2%. Most of the work for translators now is just rephrasing some of their existing translations.

        Total completeness: 67% (-2%)
        Number of languages (excl. English): 44 (+/-0)
        100-99% complete: 0 languages (+/-0)
        90-98% complete: 0 languages (+/-0)
        50-89% complete: 38 languages (+1)
        less than 50% complete: 6 languages (-1)

Will merge this immediately to unblock the translation platform as soon as possible.