bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.9k stars 175 forks source link

Recommended partition type #1753

Closed scuri-patrick closed 3 weeks ago

scuri-patrick commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I'm using Back In Time on Ubuntu 24.04, installed using sudo apt install backintime-qt.

I was rendering videos on the primary (OS) NVMe SSD while performing a backup with Back In Time from an internal SATA SSD (NTFS) to an external NVMe SSD (NTFS). This was a mistake, as I should not have been multitasking during the backup process.

At a certain point, I encountered a bad block error, and the OS failed to boot. Long story short, both the primary NVMe SSD and the internal SATA SSD experienced bad blocks. I replaced both drives to be safe, and I plan to use Back In Time again.

I am interested in understanding if it's better to use Back In Time with disks using a different filesystem, such as a Linux filesystem instead of NTFS. Thanks.