bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
GNU General Public License v2.0
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#1268 Suspendmode #1757

Closed FanisBak closed 2 weeks ago

FanisBak commented 3 weeks ago

Created a new file for suspend mode named with changes to the code that I believe snow better and more correct. I removed the suspend mode from and I made minor changes to the

buhtz commented 3 weeks ago

Why did you opened a new PR? You can work on your previous PR and just add new commits to it.

FanisBak commented 3 weeks ago

I made the most things the we talked about in the previous pull request. I created a new file named with the suspend mode feature and removed it from file. Also made minor changes to the file so as to recognise the new file ( Unfortunately I see that it has changed some (spaces) again in the file, sorry about that but I don't think that will create any problems. Also @buhtz you remember correct. I am a student and I have an assignment ,to make my first contribution on an OSS project. The assignment is due 12/06/2024.

FanisBak commented 3 weeks ago

Why did you opened a new PR? You can work on your previous PR and just add new commits to it.

I thought you preferred a new pull request containing the new file.

buhtz commented 3 weeks ago

Dear Fanis, I really appreciate your effort to contribute. But I don't see that we can come to end here with this specific issue. I see some communication problems because you have not answered some of my initial questions in #1752. And because I do this in my spare time I don't want to waste more resources on this with asking the same questions again.

Beside of that that PR definitely won't get merged on time until 12th July 2024. There is to much work to do.

Please keep in mind that a pull request is a delicate matter. We assuming 10th of thousands of users we have and who trust there backup data to that piece of software. We take this responsibility serious. That is why I ask some details about this PR you might not find very important. Also such "tiny" problems with indention are not so tiny as you might think.

So please tell me if and how you want to proceed?

Kind regards, Christian

FanisBak commented 2 weeks ago

Mister Christian, I understand that there is much work to do checking the PR. Also the indention sure is a problem, I do not take that lightly and I really apologise about that, this should not have happened.

To answer your questions, I do not have any experience with the dbus so I do not know what could change so I left it the same. I have no solution for that. All I have done about this is to change the name from 'DBUS_SHUTDOW' to 'DBUS_SLEEP'. I did not answer the first time hoping I will find something.

I created a new branch as you asked, named 'suspendmode'. I also checked if my fork is outdated and it is not.

In this PR I removed all duplicate methods and I used the already existing ones. Let me explain now what the code I wrote does:

In the function 'sleep' the main think is that firstly checks if backintime process runs ,with the 'processExists' function. if it does we use the 'pidsWithName' functions to get a list with the PID's of backintime process and store it in a variable named 'pids'. Then we use this with subprocess to suspend the process of the app using the 'kill -SIGSTOP' command with the first pid of 'pids' list. That is the main operation of my code. There should be also added a wake function to start the app again. I found that this would happen with the same way as the suspend but if we used 'kill -SIGCONT' command in the place of 'kill -SIGSTOP' in the sleep function. I could do that.

I hope now it's clear what I did and also what I do not know what to do (like the dbus). If you think there are parts that will benefit Back in Time, I would be very happy if you took them and put them to good use. I think that I answered most if not all of your questions ,but if there is anything else please tell me if I can do anything.

buhtz commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Fanis,

the indention sure is a problem, I do not take that lightly and I really apologise about that, this should not have happened.

I wouldn't phrase it like that. It can happen and also happens to me and others. But you should have fixed it immediately after I pointed you to it instead of discussing about it. It is still not fixed, isn't it?

I do not have any experience with the dbus ... All I have done about this is to change the name from 'DBUS_SHUTDOW' to 'DBUS_SLEEP'.

So you copy and pasted code from the ShutDown class? And you don't know anything about DBUS?

My apologize but I don't see how we can bring this RP to an mergable end. The issue behind is to complex.

if there is anything else please tell me if I can do anything.

I would suggest you to pick another Issue from the BIT project. I am sure we can find one.

Best regards, Christian Buhtz