bit-team / backintime

Back In Time - An easy-to-use backup tool for GNU Linux using rsync in the back
GNU General Public License v2.0
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refactor: Enable and fix PyLint rules C0305 (trailing-newlines), C0324 (superfluous-parens), C0410 (multiple-imports), E0213 (no-self-argument) #1766

Closed ayush571995 closed 1 week ago

ayush571995 commented 2 weeks ago

Fixing the pylint errors for 'C0305', # trailing-newlines 'C0324', # superfluous-parens 'C0410', # multiple-imports 'E0213', # no-self-argument

ayush571995 commented 1 week ago

Hello Ayush, thank you again for your contribution and taking the time to improve Back In Time. We appreciate it.

Just add some minor suggestions.

Can you also add an entry to the CHANGES file please.

* Build: Enable PyLint rules C0305 (trailing-newlines), C0324 (superfluous-parens), C0410 (multiple-imports), E0213 (no-self-argument)

And if you want you could also sort the enabled error codes in the two files in their lexicographical order.

Best, Christian


ayush571995 commented 1 week ago

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