bit2pixel / chrome-control

A JXA script and an Alfred Workflow for controlling Google Chrome
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Add ability to queue multiple tabs to be closed #3

Open joeynotjoe opened 5 years ago

joeynotjoe commented 5 years ago

It would be nice if we were able to queue up multiple tabs to be closed, similar to how you can queue up multiple files in Alfred.

It could be easier to close a lot of different tabs using Alfred than it is using Chrome to do the same, but only if we didn't have to action tabs individually.

I'm not sure how this could be done, but it's just an idea and possible enhancement.

niladam commented 5 years ago

@joeynotjoe - how about using close title ?:)

joeynotjoe commented 5 years ago

Unless I've misunderstood how that works, you can only close tabs by title that way. What I was hoping for in this issue originally is to be able to queue up multiple tabs to be closed, from the tabs keyword view.

This idea originally came up from me having to re-open the tabs workflow back to back to back... in order to clean up my tabs.

But again, as I stated, I don't know if this can be done in Alfred 3. I don't think I've ever seen a workflow use this type of 'queue' function on script filtered results. But it would be handy!

niladam commented 5 years ago

As far as I'm aware there isn't really a queue functionality in Alfred indeed. The only way I could think this would work is to write the tabs to a temporary file containing the tab IDs and then loop over them to close'em.

I haven't yet seen something like that in Alfred but I think it's possible.

It's also a pretty good idea, however I doubt it's usage would allow for this to be built as it could probably require file checks, removals and so on..