bitbank2 / PNGdec

Arduino PNG image decoder library
Apache License 2.0
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Encoding png #13

Closed leetut closed 1 year ago

leetut commented 1 year ago

How do I encode a png? Every online byte array tool I've tried prints nothing to the display

bitbank2 commented 1 year ago

It may not be the byte array tool, but the code you're using. Can you share a minimal example which reproduces the problem? btw - you should use my image_to_c tool -->

leetut commented 1 year ago

using this sketch, i get the panda on my display, i copy just the bits from online conversion and paste them after this: ` #include const uint8_t panda_png[] PROGMEM = { into the panda_png.h file, but i only see a color changing background, no image // This example renders a png file that is stored in a FLASH array // using the PNGdec library (available via library manager).

// Include the PNG decoder library


include "panda_png.h" // Image is stored here in an 8 bit array

PNG png; // PNG decoder inatance

define MAX_IMAGE_WDITH 240 // Adjust for your images

int16_t xpos = 0; int16_t ypos = 0;

// Include the TFT library

include "SPI.h"

include // Hardware-specific library

TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Invoke custom library

//==================================================================================== // Setup //==================================================================================== void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("\n\n Using the PNGdec library");

// Initialise the TFT tft.begin(); tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);

Serial.println("\r\nInitialisation done."); }

//==================================================================================== // Loop //==================================================================================== void loop() { int16_t rc = png.openFLASH((uint8_t *)panda_png, sizeof(panda_png), pngDraw); if (rc == PNG_SUCCESS) { Serial.println("Successfully png file"); Serial.printf("image specs: (%d x %d), %d bpp, pixel type: %d\n", png.getWidth(), png.getHeight(), png.getBpp(), png.getPixelType()); tft.startWrite(); uint32_t dt = millis(); rc = png.decode(NULL, 0); Serial.print(millis() - dt); Serial.println("ms"); tft.endWrite(); // png.close(); // not needed for memory->memory decode } delay(3000); tft.fillScreen(random(0x10000)); }

//=========================================v========================================== // pngDraw //==================================================================================== // This next function will be called during decoding of the png file to // render each image line to the TFT. If you use a different TFT library // you will need to adapt this function to suit. // Callback function to draw pixels to the display void pngDraw(PNGDRAW *pDraw) { uint16_t lineBuffer[MAX_IMAGE_WDITH]; png.getLineAsRGB565(pDraw, lineBuffer, PNG_RGB565_BIG_ENDIAN, 0xffffffff); tft.pushImage(xpos, ypos + pDraw->y, pDraw->iWidth, 1, lineBuffer); }`

bitbank2 commented 1 year ago

What is the serial print output? Is png.openFLASH succeeding? Tell me what the return code is. Perhaps you are trying to decode an interlaced PNG?

leetut commented 1 year ago

using this tool: after copying the bits minus the headers into panda.h and uploading to teensy, serial says: Initialisation done. nothing else,

if i copy the bits from your m5stickc_plus_test .h file, into the panda.h file i get: Initialisation done. Successfully png file image specs: (240 x 135), 8 bpp, pixel type: 2 22ms and it displays that fine,

think i figured out the image_to_c terminal command Lees-iMac:MacOS lee$ ./image_to_c 1.png > test.h but im on MacOS 10.13 and get this error: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin Referenced from: /Users/lee/Desktop/image_to_c-master/dist/MacOS/./image_to_c (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15) Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin Referenced from: /Users/lee/Desktop/image_to_c-master/dist/MacOS/./image_to_c (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15) will try on old windows machine

bitbank2 commented 1 year ago

just rebuild it on linux/windows/macos from the command line (makefile)

leetut commented 1 year ago

Works great after running Makefile, thank you!