Open Raphael-Boichot opened 2 days ago
The reported error with the bad file. Both compressed and decompressed data length are bad. The compression effort just changes which file is bad but the amount of bad files is about the same (25%)
Here my code for reference
//PNGenc is very practical as it works line by line, avoiding using huge amount of memory in the encodig process
PNG png; // static instance of the PNG encoder class File myfile;
void myOpen(const char filename) { myfile =, O_READ | O_WRITE | O_CREAT); return &myfile; } void myClose(PNGFILE handle) { File f = (File )handle->fHandle; f->close(); } int32_t myRead(PNGFILE handle, uint8_t buffer, int32_t length) { File f = (File )handle->fHandle; return f->read(buffer, length); } int32_t myWrite(PNGFILE handle, uint8_t buffer, int32_t length) { File f = (File )handle->fHandle; return f->write(buffer, length); } int32_t mySeek(PNGFILE handle, int32_t position) { File f = (File )handle->fHandle; return f->seek(position); }
void png_upscaler(char BMP_input[], char PNG_output[], unsigned int upscaling_factor, unsigned char BMP_palette[]) { bool skip = 0; File BMP_file =; if (!BMP_file) { bool skip = 1; Serial.println(": This BMP file does not exist, skipping png fabrication"); }
if (skip == 0) { //Serial.println("Upscaling to indexed PNG"); uint8_t header[54]; //read the image source header int rc, iDataSize; //uint8_t ucAlphaPal[256]; //left empty, 54); //unsigned long BMP_size = ((header[5] << 24) | (header[4] << 16) | (header[3] << 8) | (header[2])); //not necessary unsigned long STARToffset = ((header[13] << 24) | (header[12] << 16) | (header[11] << 8) | (header[10])); unsigned int BMP_w = ((header[21] << 24) | (header[20] << 16) | (header[19] << 8) | (header[18])); unsigned int BMP_h = -((header[25] << 24) | (header[24] << 16) | (header[23] << 8) | (header[22])); unsigned int PNG_width = BMP_w upscaling_factor; unsigned int PNG_height = BMP_h upscaling_factor; //We choose to encode an indexed png, palette is 3*0xFF long, this is the default mode here uint8_t PNG_Palette[768] = { BMP_palette[0], BMP_palette[0], BMP_palette[0], BMP_palette[1], BMP_palette[1], BMP_palette[1], BMP_palette[2], BMP_palette[2], BMP_palette[2], BMP_palette[3], BMP_palette[3], BMP_palette[3] }; // palette entered by RGB triplets uint8_t PNG_Line[PNG_width]; uint8_t pixel_gray_level; uint8_t color_index; uint8_t Compression_level = 3; //1 least=fast, 9 most=slow uint8_t bits_per_pixel = 8; unsigned long index;; // skip the 1072 bytes header and start from pixel_gray_level data rc =, myOpen, myClose, myRead, myWrite, mySeek); //mandatory call rc = png.encodeBegin(PNG_width, PNG_height, PNG_PIXEL_INDEXED, bits_per_pixel, PNG_Palette, Compression_level); //format per se, documentation here: //png.setAlphaPalette(ucAlphaPal); //left empty for (unsigned int y = 0; y < BMP_h; y++) { //treats a line index = 0; memset(PNG_Line, 0, sizeof(PNG_Line)); //clean the whole image data array for (unsigned int x = 0; x < BMP_w; x++) { //starts a line pixel_gray_level =; //one byte = one pixel_gray_level if (pixel_gray_level == BMP_palette[3]) color_index = 0x03; //converts BMP gray level to color PNG color index if (pixel_gray_level == BMP_palette[2]) color_index = 0x02; //converts BMP gray level to color PNG color index if (pixel_gray_level == BMP_palette[1]) color_index = 0x01; //converts BMP gray level to color PNG color index if (pixel_gray_level == BMP_palette[0]) color_index = 0x00; //converts BMP gray level to color PNG color index for (unsigned int i = 0; i < upscaling_factor; i++) { //stacks n identical pixel_gray_levels for upscaling PNG_Line[index] = color_index; index = index + 1; } } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < upscaling_factor; j++) { //stacks n identical lines for upscaling rc = png.addLine(PNG_Line); //the library is made to work line by line, which is cool regarding memory management } } BMP_file.close(); //closes BMP file iDataSize = png.close(); //closes PNG file Serial.print("Last PNG encoder error (0 is no error): "); Serial.println(png.getLastError(), DEC); Serial.print("Idata Size: "); Serial.println(iDataSize, DEC); } }
I've tried other encoding methods and the bug is robust. It still appears somewhere in some images, depending on the compression level, the palette, the encoding, etc. Could this be some overflow somewhere ?
So, I have removed any issue by increasing PNG_FILE_BUF_SIZE to 16384 in PNGenc.h. I've tested 4096 and 8192, it was better and better but 16384 was completely glitch free (my images were 640 pixels wide for information). Do you think it needs a PR ?
First thanks a lot for your fancy library !
I encounter a strange bug on Raspberry Pi Pico when using PNGenc (same with two unrelated codes). I try to convert a bunch of BMP files to PNG on an SD card. It works perfectly about 75% of the time, but I have errors for some files (always the same) where the Idata size reported by PNGenc does not match the compressed data lenght checked with There is no obvious pattern, I still have plenty of free ram (like 150k+). I used the addLine method with PNG_PIXEL_INDEXED, getLastError() always returns 0 even with the bad files.
Here are a bad file (553) and a good one (554) from the same batch :
Do you have an idea of what could be the issue ?