bitbank2 / Print2BLE

MacOS app which allows drag and drop of images to BLE thermal printers
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 11 forks source link

Spool more paper after printing #4

Closed jauderho closed 2 years ago

jauderho commented 2 years ago

Just tried this and it works! Thanks for making this.

One request would be to have the printer spool more paper after printing so that the bottom of the image is not cut off and there is some whitespace between print jobs. Thanks.

bitbank2 commented 2 years ago

That option is provided with the tpFeed() function. I didn't want to waste paper in case you might want to continue a print job.

jauderho commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Would you consider adding a button to spool forward?

EDIT: I tried grepping for the tpFeed function in your code but I don't see it. Is there a missing file?

bitbank2 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I was thinking of my Thermal_Printer Arduino library when I answered your question. Yes, I can add a feed button.

bitbank2 commented 2 years ago


jauderho commented 2 years ago

Just tried the new build with my cat printer (GB02) and unfortunately it does not appear to work when clicking on the Feed button after printing an image. Even tried restarting the app but no success.

bitbank2 commented 2 years ago

sorry, I just fixed the feed for the cat printer. I didn't update the binary because of what you're working on.