Open promag opened 2 years ago
The following patch
--- a/depends/packages/
+++ b/depends/packages/
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ endef
define $(package)_stage_cmds
export PATH && \
$(MAKE) -C qtbase/src INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) $(addsuffix -install_subtargets,$(addprefix sub-,$($(package)_qt_libs))) && \
- $(MAKE) -C qtdeclarative INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) sub-src-install_subtargets && \
+ $(MAKE) -C qtdeclarative INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) install_subtargets && \
$(MAKE) -C qtquickcontrols2 INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) sub-src-install_subtargets && \
$(MAKE) -C qttools/src/linguist INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) $(addsuffix -install_subtargets,$(addprefix sub-,$($(package)_linguist_tools))) && \
$(MAKE) -C qttranslations INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) install_subtargets
makes QML-specific tools available in our depends, in particular qmlcachegen
and qmllint
--- a/src/qml/controls/OptionButton.qml +++ b/src/qml/controls/OptionButton.qml @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Button { rightPadding: 7 bottomPadding: 4 leftPadding: 7 - color: "black" + co lor: "black" text: qsTr("Recommended") } }
A compile-time error:
$ /home/hebasto/GitHub/gui-qml/depends/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/native/bin/qmlcachegen /home/hebasto/GitHub/gui-qml/src/qml/controls/OptionButton.qml
Error compiling qml file: /home/hebasto/GitHub/gui-qml/src/qml/controls/OptionButton.qml:68:20: error: Unexpected token `identifier'
This will be free with a CMAKE build system
Currently build works with invalid syntax, like
which gives a runtime error:
Fix this by turning to build-time errors. It's unclear how to use it with Autotools though.