bitcoin-data / mining-pools

Known Bitcoin mining pool coinbase tags and coinbase output addresses. Generated files:
MIT License
18 stars 12 forks source link

add: CleanIncentive #98

Closed 0xB10C closed 7 months ago

0xB10C commented 7 months ago

This pool uses the coinbase output address bc1qrm09asqsxh2l7pjxjlltm53tx689dp2amzupzq and has recently been tagging its blocks with "Validated with Clean Energy". The first block mined was tagged with DMGBlockchain, which could indicate they are DMG or use DMG software and didn't have the correct coinbase tag configured before mining their first block.

The pool also included two zero-fee transactions, one of which is an inscription. Since these tx normally wouldn't be relayed, the pool either mined its own tx or tx from a bussiness partner.

The first zero-fee transaction is 1a6466600e05ccf5b63ded29d4a1a067ce33b79cd1252754ead733f21fae1775 to bc1pchpwalpdtcfp3aunxj6mjs7f0qwngsa8rwfu4vyzz3dtyh7fvlksqf2eex which was spent by f9aa65bb55baa3e2ba95deac89afc99d28934cdb613e72abe20b1f25a0c848ee to bc1p8pddm24a2vude3f4ag7vyefxn8utndvjq50cynlxtypmv76gh5csvlal6r which inscribes the following:

               +++++++++++++++++++++                     -------------------.
              +++++++++++++++++++++         +++   +++      ----------------...
             +++++++++++++++++++++         ++++  ++++      --------------......
            ++++++++++++++++++++       +++++++++++++++      ------------........
           ++++++++++++++++++++        +++++++++++++++++     ---------...........
          ++++++++++++++++++++           +++++     ++++++      ------.............
          +++++++++++++++++++           ++++++      +++++       ----...............
         +++++++++++++++++++            ++++++++++++++++         --................
         ++++++++++++++++++             +++++++++++++++          ..................
         +++++++++++++++++::            ++++      ++++++        ...................
          +++++++++++++++::::          +++++        +++++      ....................
          ++++++++++++++::::::         +++++       ++++++     ....................
           ++++++++++++:::::::::    ++++++++++++++++++++     ....................
            ++++++++++:::::::::::   ++++++++++++++++++      ....................
             ++++++++:::::::::::::    ++++    ++++         ....................
              ++++++:::::::::::::::   +++     +++         ....................
                +++:::::::::::::::::                     ...................
                            _____  _       ______            _   _
                           / ____|| |     |  ____|    /\    | \ | |
                          | |     | |     | |__      /  \   |  \| |
                          | |     | |     |  __|    / /\ \  |     |
                          | |____ | |____ | |____  / ____ \ | |\  |
                           \_____||______||______|/_/    \_\|_| \_|

                     ____   _____  _______   _____   ____   _____  _   _
                    |  _ \ |_   _||__   __| / ____| / __ \ |_   _|| \ | |
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                    |  _ <   | |     | |   | |     | |  | |  | |  |     |
                    | |_) | _| |_    | |   | |____ | |__| | _| |_ | |\  |
                    |____/ |_____|   |_|    \_____| \____/ |_____||_| \_|

  _____  ______  _____   _______  _____  ______  _____   _____          _______  ______   _____
 / ____||  ____||  __ \ |__   __||_   _||  ____||_   _| / ____|    /\  |__   __||  ____| / ____|
| |     | |__   | |__) |   | |     | |  | |__     | |  | |        /  \    | |   | |__   | (___
| |     |  __|  |  _  /    | |     | |  |  __|    | |  | |       / /\ \   | |   |  __|   \___ \
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 \_____||______||_|  \_\   |_|   |_____||_|     |_____| \_____|/_/    \_\ |_|   |______||_____/

Vision: Harnessing Bitcoin Mining to Support a Clean and Reliable Power Grid

Mission: To incentivize miners to operate in a way that supports clean energy use, improves grid
reliability, and encourages environmental stewardship.

Bitcoin mining stands at the crossroads of digital innovation and sustainability. For the first
time in history, stranded energy can be monetized with only servers and an internet connection
anywhere in the world.

The potential of Bitcoin mining goes beyond just processing transactions. With proper incentives,
it can be a key driver toward a sustainable future by promoting efficiency in power grids,
supporting renewable energy development, and reducing vented methane emissions.

Clean Bitcoin Certificates (CBCs) are not just a mark of clean energy, they are the incentive that
drives miners to value carbon in their operations. By holding CBCs and Bitcoin together, we are
investing in a world where Bitcoin does not just represent financial freedom but also embodies
our commitment to a cleaner, brighter future.

Together, let us mine with purpose and turn the Bitcoin energy narrative into a tale of global
It is crucial to ensure the authenticity of a Clean Bitcoin Certificate inscription by following
certain guidelines:

A CBC must be cryptographically linked to an ordinal inscription that includes the Sustainability
Report and signed with the designated public key. By following these guidelines, you can be
confident that your CBCs are authentic and secure.
Contact Us:
Email -
Twitter (aka X) - @Clean_Incentive
Nostr - npub1dv2hxllatjx7cz20fjscf78panl73ls8efkaa2280uxr5q6ksf2q2zweap
Website -

closes #96