bitcoin-dev-project / warnet

Monitor and analyze the emergent behaviors of Bitcoin networks
MIT License
82 stars 35 forks source link

0.16.1 does not support arm64 (macOS) #564

Open josibake opened 1 week ago

josibake commented 1 week ago

We introduced support for macOS after 16.1, so we will need to back port the build system changes to the 16.1 image if we want to let people use that image on macOS (e.g., docker desktop, Minikube).

I think this should be possible by just back porting the build system changes? But not a priority for right now since everything at Tabconf can be ran inside a K8s cluster (linux).

josibake commented 1 week ago

branch for 0.16.1:

pinheadmz commented 1 week ago

Frustratingly, the 0.16 image does work on Mac/arm about half the time.

willcl-ark commented 1 week ago

I wonder if you specify the amd64 image to force full emulation with qemu , it might be more reliable?

pinheadmz commented 1 week ago

actually might just need a less aggressive readiness check:

  Type     Reason     Age                 From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  43s                 default-scheduler  Successfully assigned warnet/tank-0017 to docker-desktop
  Normal   Pulled     41s                 kubelet            Container image "bitcoindevproject/bitcoin:0.17.0" already present on machine
  Normal   Created    41s                 kubelet            Created container bitcoincore
  Normal   Started    40s                 kubelet            Started container bitcoincore
  Warning  Unhealthy  22s (x3 over 32s)   kubelet            Liveness probe failed: command "pidof bitcoind" timed out
  Normal   Killing    21s                 kubelet            Stopping container bitcoincore
  Warning  Unhealthy  18s (x18 over 34s)  kubelet            Readiness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused
josibake commented 1 week ago

Reopening - the probe check was an unrelated issue and I think we still need to back port build system changes if we want 16.1 images to run on arm64 (macOS)