bitcoin-nfts / bitcoin-colors

A sample NFT collection that shows the strong connection between Stacks and Bitcoin.
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Create chainhook for NFT contract #23

Open whoabuddy opened 1 year ago

whoabuddy commented 1 year ago

This will be the main chainhook that monitors and processes mint actions.

By sending Bitcoin to the artist address, the chainhook should automatically submit the relevant Bitcoin tx info to the Stacks contract to complete the mint.

whoabuddy commented 1 year ago

@lgalabru and @aulneau curious on your input here at a high-level.

For the initial mint we'll be monitoring a specific BTC address for transactions.

In response to Bitcoin being sent to that address, we want to make the associated mint transaction on the Stacks side.

We have the cbtc example as a starting point, and clarinet integrate will allow for devnet testing.

What does the process look like for moving from devnet to testnet/mainnet?

Are there any requirements we should think about up front or start setting up now? (noting #12 is on my list)

Any details are helpful! 🙏

lgalabru commented 1 year ago

hey @whoabuddy! when working on testnet / mainnet, there is a convenient replay mode that can be used locally, for working with real data. happy to hop on a call and give you a tour of this feature!

whoabuddy commented 1 year ago

This sounds great! Will arrange with you async, also curious if you have any best practice recommendations for #12 alongside it!

whoabuddy commented 1 year ago

Shoutout to @lgalabru for a great session, sharing the relevant notes here as an implementation guide once we get closer to this step.

Chainhook Description

A chainhook node is an event observer to a Stacks node that can access both Stacks and Bitcoin on-chain data.

Using this connection, we can automate a task that reacts to an on-chain event.

In our case, we want to monitor the artist address and when it receives Bitcoin, send the relevant Stacks TX to mint the Bitcoin NFT.

Chainhook Structure

The following folders define chainhook operations:

Chainhook Development Flow

Running clarinet integrate and accessing devnet is the easiest way to test and play with chainhooks.

The files that need to be configured include:

All devnet addresses, Stacks and Bitcoin, come from devnet.toml and the defaults include comments to help understand which keys go with which addresses.

Moving to Testnet/Mainnet

At this stage, we'd start using the hosted chainhook implementation, which requires:

Hosted Chainhook Implementation

Chainhooks require the chainhook node, a Stacks node, and a Bitcoin node to operate.

Rather than run these ourselves, we plan to test and use Hiro's new hosted chainhook service.

It will provide the chainhook infrastructure to monitor and send events to a separate back-end.

We should be able to run a simple and scalable back-end using Cloudflare Workers and KV.

Clarinet Tips and Tricks

When in doubt, use clarinet help and clarinet <feature> help!

Generate default deployment plan: clarinet deployment generate --devnet

To run a deployment plan: clarinet deployment apply -p deployments/wrap-btc.devnet-plan.yaml

JSON to create a dyanamic chainhook: clarinet chainhooks check --output-json

Add mainnet requirements, which re-maps mainnet contracts to work on devnet: clarinet requirements add SP2KAF9RF86PVX3NEE27DFV1CQX0T4WGR41X3S45C.bitcoin-whales