bitcoin-nfts / bitcoin-colors

A sample NFT collection that shows the strong connection between Stacks and Bitcoin.
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Add deterministic bits & exclusions #41

Closed Jamil closed 1 year ago

Jamil commented 1 year ago

The second one has a few caveats which may impact the way trait generation happens and the way traits are distributed.

Let's say we have two trait_types, "Foreground" and "Background", with three possible values each, Red (R), Blue (B), Green (G). There are therefore 3 × 3 possible combinations: {RR, RB, RG, BR, BB, BG, GR, GB, GG}. Let's say for both, R has a weight of 0.5, B 0.25, and G 0.25. We can imagine a binary encoding of 2 bits for each, such that:

So that a string 0110, for example would correspond to a Red (01) foreground and a Blue (10) background.

However, if we create an exclusion for "Foreground: Red, Background: Red", then the strings: 0000, 0001, 0100, 0101 become invalid, since Red cannot match with Red, and all those strings specify that combination.

The way we deal with this naively is to keep the first trait, and redistribute the probabilities for the rest across the non-colliding traits. So if we hit Red on the foreground, then the probabilities for the next trait would become Blue: 0.5, Green: 0.5, and could be distributed like so:

And so the string 0000 (previously invalid) now becomes Foreground: Red, Background: Blue, instead of Foreground: Red, Background: Red.

Unfortunately, this has a few negative consequences:

There are probably better algorithms for this, but we can see how this does and whether any re-evaluation is required.