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Add books across Econ, Banking, Software, and Complex Systems #113

Open allenf32 opened 3 years ago

allenf32 commented 3 years ago

in Economics: The Economics of Time and Ignorance, Gerald O'Driscoll and Mario Rizzo The Wealth of Networks, Yochai Benkler The Mystery of Capital, Hernando de Soto The Nature of Technology, W. Brian Arthur The Theory of Money and Credit, Ludwig von Mises (hot take but this is better than Human Action - less hot take is it's certainly more relevant to Bitcoin)

in Banking: Money Free and Unfree, George Selgin

in Software: Hackers and Painters, Paul Graham

suggest new section: "Complex Systems" Complexity, Mitchell Waldrop How Nature Works, Per Bak The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, Philip Anderson, Ken Arrow, and David Pines

dergigi commented 3 years ago

Awesome, thanks for tracking this.

I hope to revamp the books section soon so more books can be added more easily. It should also make everything a bit more orderly and easy to find. Not sure when I get to it, but hopefully soon™️

allenf32 commented 3 years ago

For Banking:

Lombard Street, Walter Bagehot Princes of the Yen, Richard Werner The Theory of Monetary Institutions, Lawrence White

I think these, plus Selgin already mentioned above are certainly better than Griffin and Paul. Don't know if you'd prefer to replace them or just grow the section?

Could add Islamic Finance, for sure:

First Principles of Islamic Economics, Abul A'la Maududi The Problem With Interest, Tarek El Diwany Heaven's Bankers, Harris Irfan

Could maybe add Monetary History? or Economic History? Might be a bit niche and personal to me but can certainly throw in:

Medieval Cities, Henri Pirenne Money and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance Venice, Frederic Lane and Reinhold Mueller The Venetian Money Market, Reinhold Mueller The Economy of Renaissance Florence, Richard Goldthwaite The Merchant Republics: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Mary LIndemann

I'd want to round it out with ones on London and New York at least - possibly some from Constantinople, the Islamic Golden Age, and early modern Asia too to avoid seeming overly Eurocentric, but I haven't got there in my own reading yet so no good suggestions.