[x] fix admin page
[x] loading state for UX (all pages)
Fix functions on admin page
[ ] Balance in BSV is incorrect
[ ] Balance in Satoshis is incorrect
[ ] Clicking the "Details" button. Sometimes it shows the modal, sometimes it shows the old page of postgres table inserts
[ ] beef TX is incorrect
**[ ] vOut is incorrect
[ ] capture 24hr daily limit of 0.001 / 100,000 satoshis tied to the userid/e-mail (rather than the wallet address)
[ ] on /request page, in super admin view, where account = blank because it is a deposit, display 'Admin - Treasury Wallet.'
[ ] under Beef Tx, show the Background Evaluation Extended Format (see https://beef.xn--nda.network/)
[ ] hide spent status in UI
[ ] Hide all deposits entries. (these will be visible in the /admin page)
[ ] store beefTx
[ ] store vOut
[ ] store spent status, linked to the txos and vout
[ ] show the aggregated withdrawn amount for each user (currently showing '0')
/admin [x] fix admin page [x] loading state for UX (all pages)
Fix functions on admin page [ ] Balance in BSV is incorrect [ ] Balance in Satoshis is incorrect [ ] Clicking the "Details" button. Sometimes it shows the modal, sometimes it shows the old page of postgres table inserts [ ] beef TX is incorrect **[ ] vOut is incorrect
/dashboard [ ] capture 24hr daily limit of 0.001 / 100,000 satoshis tied to the userid/e-mail (rather than the wallet address)
/requests [ ] on /request page, in super admin view, where account = blank because it is a deposit, display 'Admin - Treasury Wallet.' [ ] under Beef Tx, show the Background Evaluation Extended Format (see https://beef.xn--nda.network/) [ ] hide spent status in UI [ ] Hide all deposits entries. (these will be visible in the /admin page)
db.transaction [ ] store beefTx [ ] store vOut [ ] store spent status, linked to the txos and vout
/users [ ] show the aggregated withdrawn amount for each user (currently showing '0')
/settings [ ] dark mode toggle