bitcoin-teleport / teleport-transactions

CoinSwap implementation
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Fixing overly verbose de/serialization on wire protocol #19

Open chris-belcher opened 3 years ago

chris-belcher commented 3 years ago

Currently the project uses rust's serde to handle protocol messages. This is nice but sometimes creates larger-than-necessary messages. We should try to reduce the size of these messages as much as possible. Smaller messages really help with censorship-resistance, decentralization and privacy. The smaller messages can be harder to detect and cost less especially in perhaps third world countries or burner SIM cards where internet bandwidth is more limited.

The messages are defined in the file src/

For example see this serialization of ProofOfFunding, which has a huge amount of wasted space. The funding transactions have witnesses which are serialized as lists of comma-separated numbers, which is pretty wasteful. A better way might be to somehow serialize those transactions in network format (i.e. as a big hex string)


Another instance of waste is using hex strings, and to me it seems base64 or base84 would be better for size. For example these two messages:



Another example is here, which also has "hash value" serialized as another comma-separated list of numbers.


There is documentation here which could be useful. The tag #[serde(with = "module")] is one possible method to change the serialization of the messages.

One thing we could consider is moving away from json serialization entirely and making everything be binary? Though theres downsides to that too.

On the other hand, this whole issue might be a case of premature optimization(?)

mojoX911 commented 3 years ago

On the other hand, this whole issue might be a case of premature optimization(?)

I think its probably better to handle it now rather than to leave for future. Its clear that some tidying up is needed and we might need to try different things before coming up with a good approach.

Possible way that came to my mind.

Also it seems rust-bitcoin already have core compatible encoding here, maybe something that we can directly use? We just need to implement the traits for our structs.

mojoX911 commented 3 years ago

To further the discussion in this regard, I have made a trial encoding with rust-bitcoin here

It works, and there is a test here

This can be done for other network messages also. Which will effectively compact the message size, and also will let us handle allowed method logic more elegantly than string comparison as discussed

Before proceeding further in this approach I would like to have agreement on using consensus encoding trait of rust-bitcoin for this purpose.

To me it seems easier than hand crafting our own encoding method, as all the primitive types are already covered in rust-bitcoin.

chris-belcher commented 3 years ago

Using rust-bitcoin's already-existing function is a good idea. Your code looks good I think.

However see my comment in Using bytes instead of strings doesnt make the allowed method logic more elegant, and also doesnt make use rust's compiler for error checking, only using enums does that. So the two goals are orthogonal.

mojoX911 commented 3 years ago

@chris-belcher agreed. I misunderstood the goal in #23 . Updated the PR as per your comment.

And that I think allows us to remove method flag from messages all together.

I will start working on the encoding of remaining structures.

GeneFerneau commented 3 years ago

One thing we could consider is moving away from json serialization entirely and making everything be binary?

There is a serde_cbor crate for serializing data in resource constrained environments. That way we could move to a more efficient serialization format without abandoning the benefits of serde.

chris-belcher commented 3 years ago

serde_cbor seems like almost exactly what we want I think(?)