bitcoincash-wallet / bitcoincash-wallet

Bitcoin Cash Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Bitcoin Cash node, no centralized backend required.
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Better node behavior detection/sending method #25

Open imaginaryusername opened 5 years ago

imaginaryusername commented 5 years ago

This might be a more difficult problem to solve, but posting anyway: Sometimes transactions will fail to broadcast when using automatic settings, but gets broadcast when i connect to my trusted node. I suspect this is due to some nodes having different fee settings or refuse to relay, which seems to be a noticeable problem on the network.

It could be resolved in one of two ways probably: either blacklist nodes that refuse to relay (which might be difficult?), or have the transaction sent to multiple nodes on the network connectivity list instead of just the "primary" one.

HashEngineering commented 5 years ago

The first cause of failing to send transactions is due to a requirement of bitcoinj-cash where there must be 5 connections before a transaction is sent.

imaginaryusername commented 5 years ago

I see, I wonder why it's okay when it connects to only the trusted node and skipping node discovery (leaving only one node) then.

HashEngineering commented 5 years ago

In the case of skipping node discovery, the app knows that it will only have 1 peer, so it sends it right away.