bitcoincash-wallet / bitcoincash-wallet

Bitcoin Cash Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Bitcoin Cash node, no centralized backend required.
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Failing to resolve bitcoincashj dependency. #5

Closed snapfractalpop closed 6 years ago

snapfractalpop commented 6 years ago

I'm building in Android Studio, and the gradle dependency is not resolving, so I'm getting the following error:

Error:(18, 13) Failed to resolve: org.bitcoincashj:bitcoincashj-core:0.14.5

The dependency is specified in the file "wallet/build.gradle": compile 'org.bitcoincashj:bitcoincashj-core:0.14.5'

Has the dependency changed, or does it possibly have a typo?

HashEngineering commented 6 years ago

I didn't have org.bitcoincashj:bitcoincashj-core:0.14.5 uploaded to an online repository, such as jcenter or maven. I had it built locally using maven.

I am no longer supporting my bitcoincashj, but have moved to bitcoinj-cash - My next version of this app will use bitcoinj-cash once that is updated to include some bug fixes and adds the cash-address format.

snapfractalpop commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the fast response! Do you know if there is a jcenter or maven repository for the bitcoinj-cash library that you are moving to? Or do you recommend that I build the older version locally for now?

HashEngineering commented 6 years ago

Yes, the current version is on maven.

compile 'cash.bitcoinj:bitcoinj-core:'

snapfractalpop commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I'm closing this now.