bitcoincashorg / spec

Technical specifications
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propose that fork block must have new sighash tx, not > 1MB size #19

Closed gandrewstone closed 7 years ago

gandrewstone commented 7 years ago

This distinguishing mechanism makes a lot more sense given Bitcoin's current mempool size, and the possibility that the spec may change to disallow replay of 1MB chain tx

zander commented 7 years ago

That would hard fork all running and released node software.

gandrewstone commented 7 years ago

The change to allow only new sighash already forked all running and released node software (Merged a few minutes ago: This PR is dealing with the repercussions of that.

deadalnix commented 7 years ago

No, this would require an emergency update of all the deployed nodes, so it is not going to happen.

ftrader commented 7 years ago

Yep. We cannot split the node network by this. Agreed with @deadalnix .