bitcoincashorg / spec

Technical specifications
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OPT-ADDRPREFIX (P2PKH and P2SH addr prefix) #20

Closed voisine closed 6 years ago

voisine commented 7 years ago

Users are being confused and losing funds by sending BCH funds to BTC only addresses. This proposed change can be backwards compatible with existing BCH funds sent to standard bitcoin addresses, since the same hashed pubkey can be represented with any address version prefix.

reference implementation:

dabura667 commented 7 years ago

Also, if a BCH user sends to someone using a P2SH-P2WPKH on accident, they can never recover their funds without the help of a miner. (and the miner could just as easily steal it, as some have said they will actively attempt to do)

Preventing these things is a plus for BCH users, and "Bitcoin" does not base its identity or "Bitcoin-ness" in the fact that addresses start with 1 or 3.

schancel commented 6 years ago

Appreciate the submission. This seems to be addressed appropriately by the cashaddr specification and the level of support it currently has gotten.