bitcoincashorg / spec

Technical specifications
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Add specification for cashaddr #21

Closed deadalnix closed 6 years ago

Mengerian commented 6 years ago

Very elegant proposal, I like it!

Another way of looking at the prefix, is that it can be treated as an "implicit" prefix. If, for some reason, applications have issues with "bitcoincash:" as a prefix, they can just handle the data portion. The "bitcoincash" is added for the checksum, so that should eliminate problems of ambiguous address formats.

In any case, it's nice to avoid the redundant double-prefix, such as "bitcoin:" and "bc1" in bech32

DesWurstes commented 6 years ago

A Copay dev says they may cancel their new address format starting with C and switch to this proposal if this one becomes popular.

deadalnix commented 6 years ago

Updated the spec.

deadalnix commented 6 years ago

Updated as per comments. I'll merge as @ftrader accepted and that comment are taken care of.

buzztiaan commented 6 years ago

the document is lacking motivation?

Spookerusa commented 6 years ago

I don't have a CLUE what you guys are talking about, but it sure makes me nervous about the whole thing.