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Change "xbc" to "bch" in Cash Address specification #31

Closed Mengerian closed 6 years ago

Mengerian commented 6 years ago

The vast majority of the Bitcoin Cash community and industry is moving to use "BCH" as the symbol for Bitcoin Cash.

So I think using "bch" in preference to "xbc" in the Cash Address standard makes the most sense. It will be more consistent, less confusing, and in line with industry which has largely adopted "BCH".

deadalnix commented 6 years ago

Let's keep it iso compliant. We can use BCH int he interface, in fact we should as it seems it's is becoming the most common ticker, but let's not have the flavor of the day taint underlying layers. At the end of the day, we want the prefix to be implicit in most contexts. I also think we have the poor habit of wanting to start debates about specs way too late and I would argue this is an instantiation of this.

Mengerian commented 6 years ago

Seems to me "XBC" is just adding one more symbol to the mix, on top of BCH and BCC.

Seems best to just converge on one symbol, even if it's not ideal, and people seem to be converging on BCH. It's the same argument you are making for the Bitcoin Cash logo deadalnix: better to converge on one and avoid brand dilution through fractured symbols.

I don't think ISO matters much, as we can see with Bitcoin, the "XBT" symbol is rarely used, and everyone uses BTC without problem.

Mengerian commented 6 years ago

Case in point: ViaBTC is switching from BCC to BCH (

Electron Cash also switched from BCC to BCH.

deadalnix commented 6 years ago

We are changing it too in ABC. This is not the same thing. This is not a ticker, this is not even that much user facing. We need to focus on adoption now. Bitcoincash is booming, we are at the stage where we should be reaching out to companies as to get everybody ready and we can't do that if the spec is not finalized or they'll waste their efforts.

ftrader commented 6 years ago

@jsmith-dev I noticed your displeasure with this proposal - have you implemented already using 'xbc' ?

jsmith-dev commented 6 years ago

Bitcoin Cash == XBT - it simply exists in chrysalides. Add hashing power and the right code is XBT. Suggest other chain would be XSW / X1M at such time.

deadalnix commented 6 years ago

Ok it seems like a lot of people wants to do that, considering it changes only testnet and regtest addresses, I think it is fine to change it.