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bitcoin: URI prefix for hyperlinks #46

Closed jkister closed 6 years ago

jkister commented 6 years ago

windows knows how to send bitcoin:address hyperlinks to your wallet program, like electrum.

is the right thing to do on websites provide <a href="bitcoin:13RWiPzQhv2s7xnF7XM1PifRJcbdqYHMbM">

or will it be <a href="bitcoincash:qq04kymfcr2a40dzt0exaqk5n8yd8ymsxgn277rhe9"> or even <a href="bitcoin:bitcoincash:qq04kymfcr2a40dzt0exaqk5n8yd8ymsxgn277rhe9">

jkister commented 6 years ago

reopening because i cant find any evidence of an updated bip0021

4tochka commented 6 years ago

jkister commented 6 years ago

indeed it cannot be double prefix.

jkister commented 6 years ago

closing again since issue is raised elsewhere