bitcoincashorg / spec

Technical specifications
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Reenable op codes #54

Closed DesWurstes closed 6 years ago

DesWurstes commented 6 years ago

We're 5 days late...

At least, if this document is not ready, it helps people find the real opcode enabling document (not the very rough workgroup one)

avl42 commented 6 years ago


(I skimmed the overall diff, but couldn't find any argument why all these opcodes would be even desirable... What kind of useful challenge/redeem scripts would they enable?)

schancel commented 6 years ago

Can I sqaush this and put it in with the specification PR?

DesWurstes commented 6 years ago

Of course

Oops, do you mean I should close this? I read it as “please close, I’ll merge the branch with the same PR as specs”

apologies for notifications.