bitcoindevkit / bdk-ffi

Please consider this project *experimental*. But we hope to have an official release out soon.
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Set name of Swift module in uniffi.toml #552

Open thunderbiscuit opened 3 months ago

thunderbiscuit commented 3 months ago

You can add the module_name field to the uniffi.toml file to name the module correctly from the get go instead of building the default one (bdk.swift) and then renaming it in our shell build file. See all config options for Swift here.

Note that fixing this requires adding to the uniffi.toml file:

cdylib_name = "bdkffi"
module_name = "BitcoinDevKit"

But also fixing the file as well as the CI workflow on the bdk-swift repo.

thunderbiscuit commented 3 months ago

This might need changes in other places too: we have some files that define metadata for the library that use the bdkFFI string (which then becomes BitcoinDevKitFFI), and the new library headers and umbrella.h and module.modulemap all include it. So not sure if the change in that metadata would have a bigger impact than I initially imaged.