bitcoinjs / bitcoinjs-lib

A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.
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Hi! This library is compatible with comman = create react native app for react native ? #1169

Closed Joan1590 closed 5 years ago

Joan1590 commented 5 years ago

Hi, i have this error when i used React Native captura de pantalla 2018-08-09 a la s 3 14 41 p m

and this error in the devices: captura de pantalla 2018-08-09 a la s 3 15 13 p m

Thank you !

dcousens commented 5 years ago

@Joan1590 please read and try the solutions listed in, though I have no idea if they are useful.

Joan1590 commented 5 years ago

Hi @dcousens !! I found a repository with that, this works, but only with "react native init" not with expo !! Thank you !!!