bitcoinjs / bitcoinjs-lib

A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.
MIT License
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Some goals and a roadmap for moving forward #1326

Open junderw opened 5 years ago

junderw commented 5 years ago



Item Who When (Pull Request)
Create Open Roadmap Jonathan 2019/2 ~
Add contributors guide Jonathan 2019/2 ~
Migrate to TypeScript Jonathan 2019/1/18 (DONE)
Foster Larger Dev Community Jonathan 2019/2 ~
Migrate to Monolithic Jonathan 2019/1 ~ 2019/3 (slowly)
Lightning Support Jonathan 2019/2 ~


jasonandjay commented 2 months ago

@junderw Some things have been done, i think you can update this and add content for version 7.0.0