Closed Thankgod20 closed 2 months ago
When trying to broadcast a transaction i usually get this error.
{"error": "Error validating transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing 1db38f15871e424c60ff2424e7c9990b90cc899306f4603fadb0d7d53ad5b14c at 0: nonempty scriptsig in witness transaction."} My code
{"error": "Error validating transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing 1db38f15871e424c60ff2424e7c9990b90cc899306f4603fadb0d7d53ad5b14c at 0: nonempty scriptsig in witness transaction."}
`sendBitcoin = async(prop,from,to,value,setmodalVisible)=> { //console.log(',,,,,,+++===',prop.propz.route.params.dPath) //let key = (prop.propz.route.params.priv) let seed = prop.propz.route.params.hdN
let hdNode = bip32.fromSeed(seed) const masterFingerprint = hdNode.fingerprint const path = prop.propz.route.params.dPath//"m/84'/0'/0'/0/0"; let childNode = hdNode.derivePath(path) const pubkey = childNode.publicKey; const prvKey = childNode.privateKey let redeemScript = (bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({pubkey: pubkey,network:bitcoin.networks.testnet})) console.log("++++++",redeemScript.address,"From",from,'public',pubkey.toString('hex')) const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: bitcoin.networks.testnet }) const updateData = { bip32Derivation: [ { masterFingerprint, path, pubkey, }, ], }; console.log(updateData.bip32Derivation[0].pubkey.toString('hex')) fetch(''+redeemScript.address+'/full?unspentOnly=true&includeHex=true') .then((response)=>response.json()) .then(async(response)=> { console.log(response) let vout = 0; response.txs.forEach(tx=>{ const isSegwit = tx.hex.substring(8, 12) === '0001' console.log("_____FFFF___",isSegwit) let utxo = tx console.log(utxo.hex) psbt.setVersion(2) if (isSegwit) { //let vout = 0; let txId = "" let totalAmt = 0 let scriptx = "" let isSpent = "" utxo.outputs.forEach(x=>{ console.log(x.value) if ((x.addresses[0]) == redeemScript.address ) { totalAmt+= parseInt(x.value) isSpent = x.spent_by == undefined?"":x.spent_by if (x.hash != txId) { txId = x.hash scriptx = x.script } } }) console.log("Spent by",isSpent,"PubKey",scriptx) if (isSpent =="") { psbt.addInput({ hash: utxo.hash, index: vout, witnessUtxo: { script: Buffer.from(scriptx,'hex'), value: Number(totalAmt) }, sequence: utxo.inputs[0].sequence, redeemScript: Buffer.from(redeemScript.output,'hex'), }) psbt.updateInput(vout,updateData) vout+=1 } } else { //let vout = 0; let txId = "" let totalAmt = 0 let script = "" let isSpent = "" utxo.outputs.forEach(x=>{ if ((x.addresses[0]) == redeemScript.address ) { totalAmt+= parseInt(x.value) isSpent = x.spent_by == undefined?"":x.spent_by if (x.hash != txId) { txId = x.hash script = x.script } } }) psbt.addInput({ hash: utxo.hash, index: vout,//utxo.vout_sz, nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(utxo.hex,'hex') , redeemScript: Buffer.from(redeemScript.output,'hex'), sequence: utxo.inputs[0].sequence }) psbt.updateInput(vout,updateData) vout+=1 } }) //psbt.updateInput(0,updateData) let vl = (parseFloat(value)*100000000) let vvn = vl - (vl*0.05) console.log(vvn) psbt.addOutput({ address: to, value: vvn }) let vl2 = parseInt((parseInt(response.final_balance))-(vl+(vl*0.08))) console.log(vl2,"Total",vl+vl2,"Main", parseInt(response.final_balance)) psbt.addOutput({ address: from, value: vl2}) let vl3 = vl*0.05 psbt.addOutput({ address: 'tb1q96gdzssrs4y8s69ancq8q7y0p58s8pzv0hzluy', value: vl3 }) let ii = 0; for (let i =0; i<vout; i ++ ) { console.log("i-",i) psbt.signInputHD(i,hdNode); } psbt.finalizeAllInputs() const signedTx = psbt.extractTransaction() console.log("\n========.",signedTx.toHex()) pushTrx(signedTx.toHex()) setmodalVisible(false) } ) .catch((error)=>{ alert("Error Occured" + error); console.log(error) }) console.log(from,to,value)
The calculation of UTXO index is problematic
You should use the ouput index of your address in outputs as the index of UTXO, not the index of txs
When trying to broadcast a transaction i usually get this error.
{"error": "Error validating transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing 1db38f15871e424c60ff2424e7c9990b90cc899306f4603fadb0d7d53ad5b14c at 0: nonempty scriptsig in witness transaction."}
My code`sendBitcoin = async(prop,from,to,value,setmodalVisible)=> { //console.log(',,,,,,+++===',prop.propz.route.params.dPath) //let key = (prop.propz.route.params.priv) let seed = prop.propz.route.params.hdN