bitcoinjs / indexd

An external bitcoind index management service module
ISC License
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Median time past index #9

Closed dcousens closed 6 years ago

dcousens commented 7 years ago

@runn1ng I assume this is what you mean by timestamp index? I'll push up this, as its only in my local fork of indexd atm...

dcousens commented 7 years ago

@runn1ng - are you literally just wanting txId | utc as a first-seen? Would you also want scId | utc? Mind you, that could be a huge chunk of data and would be a 2nd order insertion.

Maybe even blockId | height | utc? Then you could track how many orphans occur.

That said, each of these indexes would be re-org independent, and would continuously persist (obviously).

That said, all these could be optional.

karelbilek commented 7 years ago

From documentation of bitcore


This index maps timestamps with block hashes and is useful for searching blocks by date instead of by height. This is useful for a block explorer that will give search options by date. However it should be noted that the timestamps of blocks can be out of order, as there is a tolerance of around 2 hours that a timestamp of block is allowed to be set.

So it's not first seen, but really time -> blockhash.

karelbilek commented 7 years ago

You deleted your message :) but well... bitcore uses it for displaying blocks on certain date, that's all

But really it's not a must-have feature in the end, I guess

dcousens commented 7 years ago

@runn1ng sorry, I realised you already addressed my question with:

This is useful for a block explorer that will give search options by date

Apologies for the confusion.

dcousens commented 6 years ago

Added in (query functions are missing, but, you can trivially make a PR! :) )