bitcoinknots / bitcoin

Bitcoin Knots enhanced Bitcoin node/wallet software
MIT License
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BitcoinKnots should link to RGB libraries #41

Closed bstin closed 2 months ago

bstin commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. RGB Protocol is not a token, nor a chain, nor an upgrade to Bitcoin Protocol. It simply uses existing Bitcoin / LN to enable Assets / Securities / SmartContracts / NFT's, etc

Its a set of libraries (or daemons) that can be linked at runtime to provide this "enhanced experience"

Describe the solution you'd like BitcoinKnots should take the lead in integrating RGB libs into main wallet.

Describe alternatives you've considered There are no other alternatives currently that fit as well with Bitcoin Core goals. This is just "Really Good Bitcoin". No needless blockchains, sidechains, mergedmining, uneeded tokens, etc. This is just a library that helps BTC leapfrog all other "uneeded tokens" (ie. ETH).

Additional context

ghost commented 2 years ago

BitcoinKnots should take the lead in integrating RGB libs into main wallet.

Which library?

bstin commented 2 years ago

I'm not a developer, but I would imagine its RGB-Node.