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Improving Relevance and Clarity of Search Result Snippets #113

Open kouloumos opened 2 months ago

kouloumos commented 2 months ago

In our current search system, when results are displayed, a snippet is shown by truncating the first 300 characters of the body or the AI-generated summary for that source. While this method provides a quick glimpse of the content, there are notable areas where it falls short in terms of relevance and user expectations:

  1. Lack of Contextual Snippets: Unlike other search engines which dynamically display snippets highlighting the keywords or phrases searched by the user, our system merely shows the beginning of the document. This often fails to immediately provide the most relevant section of the text to the user.
  2. Confusion Due to Summary Snippets: Our approach to prioritize summaries in search results can confuse users who, based on their experiences with other search engines, expect to see a snippet from the actual document rather than a summarized version.

Proposed Solutions

To see how we currently compare, you can review the difference in search result presentation across various platforms:

Improving how we generate and present snippets will significantly enhance user experience by making search results more relevant and understandable, aligning with common user expectations and industry standards.