bitcoinsearch / bitcoinsearch-app

Search the depths of bitcoin’s technical ecosystem
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staging feedback #114

Closed adamjonas closed 1 week ago

adamjonas commented 2 months ago

based on

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 45 32 PM

This leaks too far down (below the fold, shorten it)

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 46 07 PM

Github item isn't visible

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 47 57 PM

Some spans are links and some aren't. Why is the date a link but the icon or source isn't? Remove the https:// from all urls. It makes them unnecessarily long.

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 50 07 PM

Are the app descriptions the same font as the rest of the site? Why is the dev project in grey and the others in black?

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 52 32 PM

Sources leak onto a second row

Here they are all two rows and but don't fill up the width of the div

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 54 20 PM Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 4 53 09 PM

Gnusha should be bitcoin-dev mailing list

adamjonas commented 2 months ago

image If I click on the search bar in mobile I get all the suggestions plus my keyboard pops up. This is hard for me to navigate. I have doubts whether the suggestions, as currently implemented, will work on mobile.

The Bitcoin dev mailing list who isn't be labeled as the Linuxfoundation image

This url in the search bar is really ugly and has no semantic meaning image

Can't scroll down the app list on mobile image

The filter button is disabled once I open the filter menu. I have to use a different button and it's not clear on mobile what that icon represents. image

Is this how we want to footer to look in dark mode mobile? At the very least the GitHub icon doesn't look consistent with the other items. image

The font size on mobile feels small image

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

Some spans are links and some aren't. Why is the date a link but the icon or source isn't?

The card itself (the container) is clickable and takes the user to the link. By icon and source are you referring to the source domain (e.g

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

Are the app descriptions the same font as the rest of the site?

There are 2 fonts used globally in the site,

design guide, not sure there's a specific reason for that. Maybe showcase parent?, while the rest apps are under that parent.

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

Github item isn't visible

fixed in latest commit

aassoiants commented 2 months ago

Made into task list



Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

Gnusha should be bitcoin-dev mailing list

We'll need to discuss how we scrape it then or merge them. For now bitcoin-dev via Gnusha can work, or bitcoin-dev (gnusha) or what do you think?

Because they are seen as separate entities in the index and a duplicate bitcoin-dev domain filter may be confusing

aassoiants commented 2 months ago

@Emmanuel-Develops i like the bitcoin-dev (gnusha) solution

But curious what other options exist. This isn't a blocker for launching.

adamjonas commented 2 months ago

These pills are still not aligned:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 3 41 28 PM

The author pill isn't consistent when there isn't a date attached to a record

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 3 41 57 PM

The formatting here isn't going to work. Also just call it all the bitcoin-dev mailing list. There is no reason to differentiate.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 3 43 02 PM

This passed validation:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 3 44 04 PM

after I submit a source the url input clears and there is a notable delay before the submitted successfully modal comes up. I didn't it twice and each time it felt like I did something wrong.

Two things here. 1) there is a white boarder on the rounded corners that doesn't look right. 2) That big green button looks like a button. But it's not a button. It should be a button that closes the modal.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 3 44 33 PM

This first impression on mobile after clicking on the search bar is rough:


Is this the number of filters I have? The alignment makes it looks like a mistake. Also, this is only visible in light mode and totally invisible in dark mode. image

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

cc: @adamjonas

These pills are still not aligned:

I need clarity on this? is it the wrap to another row?

The author pill isn't consistent when there isn't a date attached to a record

good observation, I'll fix that.` fixed

The formatting here isn't going to work. Also just call it all the bitcoin-dev mailing list. There is no reason to differentiate.

we use the same naming for filtering domains. There's a json where we mapped the URLs and their respective display names.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 2 37 43 AM Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 2 39 17 AM

using Bitcoin Dev mailing list will be confusing as shown in the second image above.

A hacky solution could be conditionally look for "gnusha" URLs in the results and display as Bitcoin Dev mailing list while leaving filter as Bitcoin Dev (Gnusha) (not a fan!)

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

This passed validation:

fixed (switched from native HTML URL and email validation to regex)

after I submit a source the url input clears and there is a notable delay before the submitted successfully modal comes up. I didn't it twice and each time it felt like I did something wrong.

fixed (added loading visual cue, prevented double submit)

Two things here. 1) there is a white boarder on the rounded corners that doesn't look right. 2) That big green button looks like a button. But it's not a button. It should be a button that closes the modal.


Is this the number of filters I have? The alignment makes it looks like a mistake. Also, this is only visible in light mode and totally invisible in dark mode.


adamjonas commented 2 months ago

is it the wrap to another row?

Yes. Why do we need so many that some leak onto the next row?



How are you expecting a seacher to know the difference? Combine them and have the filters search both.

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

Yes. Why do we need so many that some leak onto the next row?

I guess less leakage is good for mobile (I don't have much of a preference on this). I've set it to only one row so wider screens show more pills. Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 7 56 28 PMScreenshot 2024-05-09 at 7 53 08 PMScreenshot 2024-05-09 at 7 53 33 PM

Emmanuel-Develops commented 2 months ago

How are you expecting a seacher to know the difference? Combine them and have the filters search both.

Combining on the FE will be a very hacky approach (based on how the logic is setup). Its better to combine in the index itself. Is this critical for launch?

adamjonas commented 1 month ago

They can't be combined on elastic search. They come from different sources.