Closed Har01d closed 9 years ago
I'm not Russian, someone else did the translation for me (via-via on IRC). I just made the merge request. He warned me that the technical bits were a bit off, so I'm fine with a more technical person offering a translation instead.
Can you guys add a meta description to the Russian pages? It's just a short description of the content (ideally between 80-160 characters)
Line 3:
Meta descriptions aren't used by anything, as far as I know. I think maybe some of this SEO stuff is not really worth it.
Hah, I got really confused for a moment because I didn't notice that Chrome was translating the Russian back into English and I thought there was no translation for apt.html ..... thanks!
Based on This text is more consistent with the rest of the translation, while has some drawbacks.
P.S. @zander, рад видеть кого-то ещё разговаривающего на русском здесь :) Я поправил в вашем тексте несколько ошибок и поменял некоторые термины (в остальном переводе везде используется "нода" вместо "узла", "daemon" в смысле программы имеет устоявшийся прямой перевод "демон").