Open krichardsson opened 4 years ago
Thinking about this some more.
First, there are some aspects of the current design that could be improved without changing the overall philosophy:
. Same for roll/pitch modes.Next, I tried to figure out the rules to decide whether a combination of mode flags is valid. I am imagining that we add a mode.thrust
field to explicitly state if the thrust input is to be used.
Note that it is OK for more then one of {xy, attitude abs, quat, attitude rate} to be controlled, because the higher order derivatives can be interpreted as feedforward terms by the following ordering:
xy abs <- xy vel <- {attitude abs, quat} <- attitude rate
Of course, the user could send nonsensical commands like constant position over time with nonzero velocity, but that is "undefined behavior". On the other hand, breaking any of these rules makes a setpoint nonsensical on its own:
These are not hard rules, but combinations that seem strange:
I implemented these rules in a python script to produce a table ( It filters down from 729 possible combinations to 53 valid combinations:
xy z thrust roll/pitch yaw quat
1 abs abs disable abs abs disable
2 abs abs disable abs vel disable
3 abs abs disable vel vel abs
4 abs abs disable vel vel disable
5 abs abs disable disable abs disable
6 abs abs disable disable vel abs
7 abs abs disable disable vel disable
8 abs vel disable abs abs disable
9 abs vel disable abs vel disable
10 abs vel disable vel vel abs
11 abs vel disable vel vel disable
12 abs vel disable disable abs disable
13 abs vel disable disable vel abs
14 abs vel disable disable vel disable
15 abs disable abs abs abs disable
16 abs disable abs abs vel disable
17 abs disable abs vel vel abs
18 abs disable abs vel vel disable
19 abs disable abs disable vel abs
20 vel abs disable abs abs disable
21 vel abs disable abs vel disable
22 vel abs disable vel vel abs
23 vel abs disable vel vel disable
24 vel abs disable disable abs disable
25 vel abs disable disable vel abs
26 vel abs disable disable vel disable
27 vel vel disable abs abs disable
28 vel vel disable abs vel disable
29 vel vel disable vel vel abs
30 vel vel disable vel vel disable
31 vel vel disable disable abs disable
32 vel vel disable disable vel abs
33 vel vel disable disable vel disable
34 vel disable abs abs abs disable
35 vel disable abs abs vel disable
36 vel disable abs vel vel abs
37 vel disable abs vel vel disable
38 vel disable abs disable vel abs
39 disable abs disable abs abs disable
40 disable abs disable abs vel disable
41 disable abs disable vel vel abs
42 disable abs disable vel vel disable
43 disable abs disable disable vel abs
44 disable vel disable abs abs disable
45 disable vel disable abs vel disable
46 disable vel disable vel vel abs
47 disable vel disable vel vel disable
48 disable vel disable disable vel abs
49 disable disable abs abs abs disable
50 disable disable abs abs vel disable
51 disable disable abs vel vel abs
52 disable disable abs vel vel disable
53 disable disable abs disable vel abs
Although many of these 53 combinations seem odd, I can't find a reason why any of them are truly nonsensical. I guess the real question is: how many of them have a compelling use case?
We already have 7 setpoint types in crtp_commander_generic.c
and these expand to more than 7 flag combinations during parsing.
Sharing this in case it is useful for future discussions. I am not sure how to interpret it.
Nice summary @jpreiss !
Thanks for all the work in this issue!
The idea to convert the struct to one with 53 enums and 53 unions is interesting but daunting. We are not sure the complexity would be reduced with this approach. But if someone disagrees and wants to show us a PR we would absolutely look closely at that code!
To start with, we would like to use this information from @jpreiss to document the setpoint struct. And possibly to add some kind of validation scheme for setpoints: is_valid(setpoint)
The goal is to make it clear to both users of the setpoint API and for users/implementers of controllers what is valid and not. And it would be very nice if one can look up a controller, in code or docs, and get an idea of which combination (of the 53) this controller supports.
If anyone has an idea of where and how to add this documentation, please comment here!
The setpoint struct ( is very flexible, but also makes controller implementations hard to understand. Maybe we can find a better structure?
Comments from #567: