Closed icyfox168168 closed 2 years ago
long long asmadc() { long long ret = 0; __asm { push 0x246 popf mov rcx, 0x0000e28b5d4df701 ROL rcx, 0x10 pushf pop rax mov ret, rax
if (_bittest64((LONG64*)&ret, RFLAG_OF))
ret = 0x99;
ret = 0x98;
return ret;
FaD. According to the Intel SDM, Vol. 2B, sections 4.531 and 4.601, the OF is undefined for RCL/RCR/ROL/ROR and SAL/SAR/SHL/SHR operations with a rotate/shift count larger than 1.
long long asmadc2() { long long ret = 0; __asm { push 0xa47 popf mov rdx, 0x000000000000ccdc SHR edx, 0x03 pushf pop rax mov ret, rax
long long asmadc() { long long ret = 0; __asm { push 0xa03 popf mov rax, 0x000000000000339b SHL al, 0x02 pushf pop rax mov ret, rax