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`Like`-operator didn't work in a mysql project #322

Closed amxyz-cyber closed 1 year ago

amxyz-cyber commented 2 years ago

Hi, I adapted the yesod webapp espial to a mysql database. And when I performed the following sql query in Esqueleto, it returned no search results:

bookmarksSearch :: UserSearchForm -> Key User -> DB (Int, [(Entity Bookmark, Maybe Text)])
bookmarksSearch (UserSearchForm{bookmarkURL=mu,bookmarkTitle=mt,bookmarkDescr=md,bookmarkTags=tags,bookmarkFilter=mf,bookmarkBefore=mb,bookmarkAfter=ma}) uid  = do
    res <- select $ distinct $ do
        --b <- from $ table @Bookmark
        (b :& t2) <-
            from $ table @Bookmark
            `leftJoin` table @BookmarkTag
            `on` (\(bx :& tx) ->
                just (bx ^. BookmarkId) ==. (tx ?. BookmarkTagBookmarkId))          
        _whereClause b t2
        orderBy [desc (b ^. BookmarkTime)]
        pure (b, subSelect $ from (Table @BookmarkTag) >>= \t -> do
                 where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. b ^. BookmarkId)
                 groupBy (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId)
                 orderBy [asc (t ^. BookmarkTagSeq)]
                 pure $ mysqlGroupConcat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag))
    let xs = map (\(e,mtagValue) -> (e,unValue mtagValue)) res
    return (length xs,xs)
        _whereClause bTab tTab = do
         where_ $ bTab ^. BookmarkUserId ==. val uid 
         where_ $ bTab ^. BookmarkDescription `like` ((%) ++. val "chemistry" ++. (%))

However, the same query worked in Mysql Workbench. Also, the original code from espial didn't work either. Only when I created an unsafe function emulating the match against function from Mysql, did I get the desired search results. Do you think, it could be a bug?

In models.persistentmodels the mysql database is defined as follows:

User json
  name Text sqltype=varchar(500)
  passwordHash BCrypt sqltype=varchar(500)
  apiToken Text Maybe sqltype=varchar(500) default=NULL
  privateDefault Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN 
  archiveDefault Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN 
  privacyLock Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN 
  UniqueUserName name
  deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord

Bookmark json
  -- Id Int64 sqltype=bigint
  userId UserId sqltype=bigint OnDeleteCascade 
  -- slug BmSlug default="(lower(hex(randomblob(6))))"
  slug BmSlug sqltype=varchar(512)
  href Text sqltype=varchar(2048)
  description Text sqltype=varchar(1024)
  extended Text sqltype=TEXT
  time UTCTime sqltype=DATETIME
  shared Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN
  toRead Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN
  selected Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN
  archiveHref Text Maybe sqltype=varchar(1024)
  UniqueUserHref userId href
  UniqueUserSlug userId slug
  deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord

BookmarkTag json
  -- Id Int64 sqltype=bigint
  userId UserId sqltype=int OnDeleteCascade
  tag Text sqltype=varchar(1024)
  bookmarkId BookmarkId sqltype=int OnDeleteCascade
  seq Int sqltype=int 
  UniqueUserTagBookmarkId userId tag bookmarkId
  UniqueUserBookmarkIdTagSeq userId bookmarkId tag seq
  deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord

Note json
  -- Id Int64 sqltype=bigint
  userId UserId sqltype=int OnDeleteCascade
  -- slug NtSlug default="(lower(hex(randomblob(10))))"
  slug NtSlug sqltype=varchar(512)
  length Int sqltype=int 
  title Text sqltype=varchar(4096)
  text Text sqltype=TEXT
  isMarkdown Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN
  shared Bool sqltype=BOOLEAN default=False
  created UTCTime sqltype=DATETIME
  updated UTCTime sqltype=DATETIME
  deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord

The mysql version of espial is using Esqueleto as well as lts-19.9. What's more, I created search indexes for several columns using Mysql Workbench.

belevy commented 2 years ago

Your best bet is to renderSelectQuery to see what is actually being generated by esqueleto and how that is different from what you expected. The query you have provided has a lot going on as it is, if you can provide a minimal example showing that LIKE clauses are being generated incorrectly then we can do something.

belevy commented 1 year ago

If you can give a reproduction case feel free to reopen this issue