biter777 / countries

Countries - ISO-639, ISO-3166 countries codes with subdivisions and names, ISO-4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 codes, IANA ccTLD countries domains, FIPS, IOC/NOC and FIFA codes, VERY VERY FAST, compatible with Databases/JSON/BSON/GOB/XML/CSV, Emoji countries flags and currencies, Unicode CLDR.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
390 stars 74 forks source link

Change in module name leads to inaccessible releases. #36

Closed marvinkite closed 2 years ago

marvinkite commented 2 years ago

How shell I reference the latest releases from external project?

In this repo the module name was changed but the other repository last commit is from February and there is no way to reference the recent changes any way.

in go.mod

require ( v1.3.4 <- This is the last working version v1.5.1 <- This repo has only v1.3.7

Now Go can't find the right module and the right repository.

go: parsing go.mod:
        module declares its path as:
                but was required as:

The two only working version now are

Either fix the module names or please update the repository so the v1.5.x can be referenced from externally.

bosix commented 2 years ago

Hi :),

I can confirm the issue and I'm a bit confused why a fork of this repo is mentioned inside go.mod. We stay at v1.3.7 until this is fixed.

Edit: I created a pr to revoke the change:

biter777 commented 2 years ago
