PR introduces isort, black and flake8 in the project's development stack. \
It also introduces support for pre-commit (see .pre-commit-config.yaml).
New steps has been added to the build action in bitfinex-api-py-ci.yml.
README has been updated with a brief chapter on how to set up pre-commit.
The project won't support pylint anymore.
Motivation and Context
From now on, developers will no longer need to write code that complies to PEP8 theirself. \
pre-commit will take care of formatting the project's code base to fit the PEP8 style guidelines. \
The developers will only be responsible for ensuring that flake8 does not return any error.
Related Issue
PR fixes the following issue: -
Type of change
[x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue);
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality);
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected);
[x] This change requires a documentation update;
[x] I've done a self-review of my code;
[x] I've made corresponding changes to the documentation;
[x] I've made sure my changes generate no warnings;
[x] mypy returns no errors when run on the root package;
[x] I've run black to format my code;
[x] I've run isort to format my code's import statements;
[x] flake8 reports no errors when run on the entire code base;
PR introduces isort, black and flake8 in the project's development stack. \ It also introduces support for pre-commit (see .pre-commit-config.yaml). New steps has been added to the build action in bitfinex-api-py-ci.yml.
README has been updated with a brief chapter on how to set up pre-commit.
The project won't support pylint anymore.
Motivation and Context
From now on, developers will no longer need to write code that complies to PEP8 theirself. \ pre-commit will take care of formatting the project's code base to fit the PEP8 style guidelines. \ The developers will only be responsible for ensuring that flake8 does not return any error.
Related Issue
PR fixes the following issue: -
Type of change