bitfireAT / davx5-ose

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Fix setup through nextcloud app (intent) not working #782

Closed sunkup closed 1 month ago

sunkup commented 1 month ago


The nextcloud login/setup flow could not be started via intent. This fixes it.

Short description



See also: Creation of intent in nextcloud app.


Intent for testing:

adb shell am start -e url "" -e loginFlow 1  at.bitfire.davdroid/at.bitfire.davdroid.ui.setup.LoginActivity


sunkup commented 1 month ago

We could use the initial data approach here too:

* pass `initialLoginType` & `initialloginInfo` to the `LoginScreen`

* `LoginScreen` injects/creates the model with the initial data in the constructor

Then we could get rid of the if (savedInstanceState == null) and have better separation of concerns (no direct model access from outside).

While it would have been possible (and shorter in code) I have added an extra startPage parameter as well. The alternative is to infer the starting page from the login type inside the model, which is shorter, but less flexible. I can change that back if you prefer :)

The advantage would be that future intents could start the correct login page more easily.