bitfocus / companion-module-allenheath-sq

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[BUG] Allen and Heath SQ losing connection or crashing console #18

Closed simongroom112 closed 2 years ago

simongroom112 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. SQ losing connection more often than being connected. constant warning in logs saying MIDI error: connect ETIMEOUT (followed by IP) To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

desk will reconnect if rebooted but will lose connection again after a short Amount of time

maxks commented 3 years ago

Hi @simongroom112 I downloaded the latest Beta (last 4 characters are 3271) - usually use my own beta with fix and new features to test it - and on my MacBook Pro 13 Mid 2014 running Big Sure (11.2.2), Companion and SQ module works fine and didn't lost connection after 30 minutes of continuos use.

Try to verify network connection and reboot console. Sometimes SQ doesn't connect to network and need reboot to re-working.

bird9908 commented 3 years ago

I'm having a similar issue. I have (2) SQ-5 mixers on the same network with (2) Windows Laptops. Both Laptops running Companion are able to flawlessly communicate with with one of the SQ-5 Mixers, but neither Laptop can communicate with the other SQ-5. It never connects and I get the error: MIDI error: connect ETIMEOUT (followed by IP). I have restarted everything, both consoles configuration files are copied from one to another (obviously except for the IP Address), I believe they are both setup identically. Also I would like to note that the SQ MixPad Windows application works instantly with the troubled mixer using the same wiring/IP setup.

maxks commented 3 years ago

Hi @bird9908 unfortunately the SQ Midi protocol only accepts one connection at a time. MixPad uses a direct TCP / IP connection not based on the Midi protocol and is complicated to implement with Companion due to the lack of documentation.

bird9908 commented 3 years ago

Hi @bird9908 unfortunately the SQ Midi protocol only accepts one connection at a time. MixPad uses a direct TCP / IP connection not based on the Midi protocol and is complicated to implement with Companion due to the lack of documentation.

@maxks thank you for the quick reply, I did not know that, Im a noob. So I power cycled the problematic mixer and put it in a new isolated network by itself with just a Laptop, same issue. So the other mixer is completely out of the equation.

maxks commented 3 years ago

@bird9908 my SQ5 sometimes can't reach the gateway when a fixed IP is set, it seems not negotiate its IP. So, I change configuration on SQ and set DHCP and it works fine.

philjlihp commented 3 years ago

I have similar issues with failed connections and the desk refusing to reconnect without restarting. Really frustrating that the limits of midi and probably with ip configuration on the desk are causing these problems. I know there is an app on android not written by A&H to control the desk, so there must be some TCP/IP documentation somewhere.

maxks commented 3 years ago

@philjlihp usually to know how TCP / IP works you have to put a "packet sniffer" like Wireshark on your network. Patiently write down all packet when using console functions to understand how it works. Needs time and knowledge to perform this. If you or others find the documentation (which I have searched for) I'm willing to implement the SQ module with direct TCP / IP connection.

Note: I use Companion every day (7/8 hours) with my SQ5 and the module I created for it without any problems. Yes, with the fixed IP sometimes the connection went, but since I set up a DHCP on the console and set the fixed IP for SQ on the router it works perfectly.

philjlihp commented 3 years ago

@maxks The software on android is called Mixing station and is by @davidgiga1993 or It supports the SQ so maybe he has some documentation and is willing to share if its not for profit.

davidgiga1993 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I'm guessing you're using the midi api of the SQ, is that correct? If so then I can't help that much as I'm using the internal API used by the official apps. Sadly there is no documentation available for this. In general the tcp midi api of A&H mixers is not that stable

maxks commented 3 years ago

Hi @davidgiga1993 thanks for reply. Yes, actually SQ module for Companion use MIDI over TCP/IP to works and yes, is not that stable. My question: is possible to have from you the list of your API to communicate with SQ. I know you developed a business software, but for us is a not profit software.