Open roshjothe opened 2 years ago
I have a similar problem developed over last week or - I wonder if it's Windows update related as Companion with SQ-5 and QU-Pac has been fine for me for more than one year before this issue: I recently noticed that when I move a physical fader on SQ the level display on the Companion button takes over 5 seconds from start to finish to reflect the level change when it used to be almost instant in the past. The problem is nothing else works on Companion until this lag has caught up, so the system is locked out if we move a physical fader on the SQ! I checked the QU and that's all fine, instant reaction if physical level changed on QU or if changed from Companion. The issue just appears to be SQ related only. Also when the Companion button has finished updating the level, if I change the fader on the SQ again, there is no change on the Companion level indicator. Sorry it's not any help but for sure something has changed recently.
I use an SQ-6, and when I use the mute feature through companion, sometimes the mute buttons become unable to toggle on/off from that point on. It's the same with when I use the fader channel level to mix (with a 3 second fade), the fader physically wont budge if I try to adjust the volume up or down. I've learned this issue is fixed when I close and reboot companion. It seems like the command persists, even when the command should be over. Any solutions would help!