bitfocus / companion-module-allenheath-sq

MIT License
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Request: FX Parameters #43

Open saltmild opened 1 year ago

saltmild commented 1 year ago

Would love the ability to use companion to edit FX Parameters. Such as reverb tails / pre delays. And Tap tempo note control (eg 1/4, 1/8)

jswalden commented 1 month ago

This module is currently coded to operate the mixer using MIDI over TCP. SQ MIDI protocol documentation doesn't describe any ability to observe or edit FX parameters. (Tho if your needs were sufficiently narrow you could program SoftKeys to do what you want, then use MIDI to press them.) Thus the module in its present form is unlikely ever to gain this capability.

We could, however, imagine the module being rewritten to use the same mechanisms that SQ MixPad uses. If that app can access these parameters (I don't remember off the top of my head), then in principle someone could reverse-engineer the protocol it uses and emulate it. But it'd be a significant amount of work (especially if the protocol is binary rather than something moderately self-documenting like JSON) and IMO would pretty much require rewriting the entire module (or starting a new module to compete with this one, and perhaps ultimately supplant it).