bitfocus / companion-module-allenheath-sq

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SQ7: Step +1dB or -1dB, movement/response time is very slow #48

Open ATCUSER1 opened 9 months ago

ATCUSER1 commented 9 months ago

I'm using a Stream Deck Plus with Companion 3.01 and an SQ7.

I have a dial/knob set to control volume of a channel, with "rotary action left" assigned to "step -1dB" and "rotary action right" assigned to "step +1dB".

The movement/response time is very slow - it will move 1dB every half a second or so. If I turn the dial a lot (for a large volume change), say +/-15dB, the SQ7 fader will still be moving in to position a long time after I've turned the dial and released it. I've noticed that it is the same if I assign "step +/- 1dB" to standard button - very slow to respond or process the commands.

Am I missing something, is there a better way I can implement a rotary dial for volume control of an SQ channel volume so the action/response is quicker? Or is this an issue with SQ console implementation?

(To mention, I'm also using the same rotary dials to control light intensity to channels on an EOS/ETC lighting console, and the response is much quicker/more natural.)

Many thanks

josephdadams commented 8 months ago

Which version of the module are you using? Because I am working on converting this to Companion v3 API and making some other improvements. So if you're using v1.3.12 of the module, my advice would be to wait until I get it converted and hopefully you will see better results.

ATCUSER1 commented 8 months ago

Great, thank-you very much, yes I'm using v1.3.12.

adamkohm commented 8 months ago

Seeing same issue with SQ5 and V3.1 stable release. Also, whenever sending commands to SQ5, seems to be about a half second delay between every command. If I adjust the levels of 5 inputs to mix, they complete each action sequentially instead of in parallel. Any fix for that?

josephdadams commented 8 months ago

I think it is working better in the converted version, I'm waiting on my client to accept the upgraded code and when that is done I can push it out to the betas.

adamkohm commented 8 months ago

Awesome, Thanks for the speedy reply. Really appreciate the effort.

jswalden commented 1 month ago

Or is this an issue with SQ console implementation?

Companion actions in this module each send a MIDI command to the mixer using this function. I'll let you guess what the effect of every action performing a await sleepSend(200) for a function sleepSend(ms) is on what you're seeing. 😐

The module spams the mixer with hundreds, maybe even thousands of commands at module startup (in bunches of 20 with 300ms spacing), so it's not like it couldn't possibly tolerate more than a single MIDI command every 200ms. (Or so it seems to me.) But maybe there is actually some valid reason to effectively rate-limit the entire module to five commands per second that just isn't documented in the code...